Giant Rats are iconic fantasy creatures, often inhabiting dark dungeons and sewers. Their disproportionate size and insatiable appetite make them fearsome predators, capable of wreaking havoc in towns and villages. Their gregarious nature leads them to form swarms, making their threat even more intimidating. In fantasy tales, Giant Rats often symbolize the hidden dangers and hostile environments of fantasy worlds, providing heroes with the opportunity to face unexpected adversities.
Giant Rats
This kit allows you to customize and assemble :
- 12 x Giant Rats paper miniatures with back with 17 color options.
- 4 x Giant Rats game card with all options, frame options, label options and 7 background color options.
- 12 x 18 mm bases with 5 layer options.
- This kit comes with 22 tokens and 44 portraits for VTT.
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